Text Box:      When submitting a project for our review and consideration:

        1. Brief synopsis, capturing the salient ideas of your  work;

        2. About the Author, with attached resume.

        3. Chapter-by-chapter outline; 

        4. 6-8 competing titles, with explanation why your book is new and unique
              (i.e., sell us on why it is different, better, and more comprehensive than other similar published books);

         5. Explain the intended audience for the book;

         6. Guide the publisher toward seeing realistic ways to publicize the book. Also, very important—your skills,
                experience, contacts, social media presence, and availability to help publisher promote your book;

         7. Two to three sample chapters.

    Note: we are happy to consider these elements via email attached Word.doc file (or Word.docx). You can also send the hard  copy via
    US Mail or other  mail service. Please do not  send entire manuscript until  requested to do so.

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Text Box:    
     The Art of the Book Proposal  (excerpted from ArcheBooks Publishing, by Robert E. Galinas)

  Literary agents bring two key elements of value to the table for an author:  1) the ability to submit works to publishers who do not accept 
  submissions directly from authors, and 2) to leverage their existing relationships with editors and publishers to get an author’s work 
  moved up in “the slush pile.” of submissions and have it considered sooner rather than later.  If nothing else, Literary agents provide the
  valuable service to the publishing industry of screening out most garbage and giving publishers decent material to work with.

  Advice to all aspiring writers wishing to become published authors: master the art of a “good” book proposal. Focus on Style and 
  Substance.   No .gimmicks, no tacky clip-art, strange fonts, colored paper, etc. Clean, sharp, professional, clearly written, concise, and — 
  most importantly — persuasive. On the substance side of the equation it needs four primary elements:

  1. Hook

       Most publishers receive thousands upon thousands of manuscript submissions a year. For genre related fiction the vast
        majority of it looks, smells and tastes just like all the rest. The publisher/editor making the buying decisions is asking
        themselves at the very outset, .What’s unique about this story? What sets it apart from everything else that’s out there?

  2. Business Case

       a) Don’t try to sell a product where there’s no existing market, nor to a saturated market;  b) Find a niche and fill it;  
       c)  No “self-editorializing.” Example: “This is the scariest book ever written. You won’t be able to sleep at night and will never forget it.”  
       d) It’s a turnoff and unprofessional;  e) Published authors: list your other published books and numbers sold; 
       f) Debut fiction/nonfiction: list your accomplishments, and anything unique/valuable to help publisher market and promote you;

            The bottom line: “Who’s going to buy this book, and why from this author?”

  3. Synopsis/Treatment

       Present a condensed high-level view of the whole story: beginning, development, ending. 
       In heavily character-driven stories, where plot is less predominant, give a short paragraph on the major characters.

  4. Sample of Execution
       First “3”chapters, most important. Since writing is an art and not everyone possesses equal talent, a submission editor must be wowed. 

  Tip #1: Start Strong 
  You do NOT have the luxury of easing the reader slowly into the story. Immediately, in first paragraph, the reader needs to say, 
  Ohh. What’s going on here? Begin with something poignant, exciting, intriguing.

  Tip #2: Introduce your primary characters early
  Tip #3: Set the Hook
  Although you’ve explained the hook to the editor in your proposal, make good on that promise by introducing it in your sample chapters.

  Tip #4: Build to a cliff-hanger
  If you submit three chapters, the last page of Chapter 3 must come to a significant point in the plot where the reader is dying to know what
  happens next.

  Tip #5: Polish, polish, polish
  Clean up typos, correct bad grammar and punctuation, and identify/polish all rough areas to make a strong statement about your attitude 
  and dedication as a writing professional.  Put your best foot forward because you may not have a second chance.

  Tip #6: Read it aloud
  Language is a medium of communication, with idioms and expressions that give it color and texture, passion, emotion and vibrancy. The
  mastery of writing is really the mastery of one’s own language. It has a “voice.”

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